Have you been living for the day and been happy about it? Do you think that someday you will pay down your loans and make it all even? Or the plans of early retirement are a far cry for you?
Well, if you think that everything will turn out to be fine for you, by God's grace, I am afraid you are wrong my friend. If you've always wanted to make it big someday, you have to work on it from today! It is not one of those things that happen on its own.
If you thought that for millionaires it just happened one fine day, like a miracle, you are wrong again.
People, who made it big, had their financial goals set from before. They had to work their way to it. They did not just get lucky suddenly. They did it on their own.
The first step towards achieving financial freedom is fixing up the day when you plan to reach your financial freedom. Let us call it the financial freedom day. This will give you the ability to have a foresight.
Your financial future
Your foresight will help you figure out what you may expect in your near future. Always remember, that unless you have a fixed vision in mind, you will not know what to do next. People without vision sail aimlessly like a ship that has no rudders to it, towards the desired destination.
Your visions should have the following attributes to keep you moving. They should be:
-Interesting enough to trigger your action
-Within the limits of reality, so that you can achieve them
-Ethical enough so that you don't have to give up your values
-And along with all these you should also be able to think limitlessly. You should never think that you may fail in your attempt.
Your financial freedom day
There will be a day when you reach your financial freedom-lets call it your financial freedom day. It will help you set your future goals, if you decide your own financial freedom day. The three things that you need to figure out before setting your day are:
-Interesting enough to trigger your action
-Your monthly income
-The net value of your assets like investments, stocks, real estate etc.
-The particular day, month and year, when you intend to be financially free.
If you are writing these down in numbers, I can well understand that this is getting a little daunting for you. It would have been different if you would have had an income of $30,000 a month and a net value of $3 million at 50 years of age. But when you are 40 years old with a current cash flow of $35,000 and $20,000 in debt, then it would seem a little difficult.
However, don't worry. If you decide on the following five things beforehand, the gap between the present and future would become easy to bridge-
-Your current financial status
-Your financial goals
-People who will help you reach your goals
-Financial activities or steps that you will take
-Your mental set up or level of motivation
Take small steps at a time. Don't rush things in the beginning. Take the help of a guide if need be.
Little failures that come in your way should not daunt you. Treat them as lessons that will help you reach your goal. I can assure you that with the right kind of knowledge, motivation and action, the big day of your financial freedom is not far away.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Financial Freedom For All
Posted by WL at 12:44 AM
Early Retirement,
Escape Rat Race,
Financial Freedom