Saturday, January 12, 2008

If you are not learning and growing everyday, you are dying!

If you are not learning and growing everyday, you are dying!

What have you been learning lately?

When was the last time you read a book?
Are you a wide reader?

In a gathering, you can tell who the wide readers are. Wide readers think and speak well. They win the admiration, respect, and good opinion of others.

Reading expands the mind. In fact, many people consider it as one of the satisfying pleasures of humans, for it involves physical as well as mental activities.

Reading is primarily a mental activity. After all, you read with your mind and use your imagination to paint the setting of the detective thriller you are reading. You use you mind to imagine the pain that the main character experiences as the story unfolds. You bring into play the different arguments and ideas brought up by the author in that self-help book you are holding.

To read effectively, reading helps you develop a wide vocabulary through extensive reading. A skillful reader has a wide recognition vocabulary. He may not know exactly what every word means, but he will have a good general idea of the meaning of the sentence.

Reading makes you alert and curious about new words. Other readers develop the dictionary habit. Every time they come across a strange word, they try to figure out what it can possibly mean by the context. If they cannot do this, they refer to the dictionary.

Likewise, reading develops intellectual curiosity by exposing you to a variety of materials. You learn to read by reading books of increasing difficulty and variety. As in other forms of activity, you learn by actually doing.

Reading trains you to have an active and open mind. Merely grasping the writer’s idea is not enough. You must make a positive response to what you read. Be an active, not a passive, reader. Develop the habit of drawing your own conclusions, the habit of active thinking, of agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Keep your mind open; understand and weigh the ideas that you read. A practical part of active reading is the drawing of conclusions.

Allow me to share four basic rules for effective reading::

1. Try to read more and more. Remember the saying that practice makes perfect. Practicing in the correct way makes perfect.

2. Develop the habit of reading for main ideas. Look for the subject and predicate. Do not waste time on details or little words.

3. Learn to read with focus and concentration. Think of what you are reading. Do not let your attention wander somewhere else. Good readers read with understanding.

4. Learn to budget your time. Experiment with your reading time. Try purposely to read faster. Give yourself a time limit on specific material that you read.

However, what if you are a slower reader like me? The progress of reading is just seem slow no matter how hard you try. Disappointed at the slow progress at time and thinking of giving up?

What if there is a tool for you to learn through visual and audio media? It allows you to grab the gist and learn the most in the shortest period by watching video seminars of the experts at the comfort of your house, or when you are having coffee at Starbucks as long as there is an internet access.

That is just perfect, isn't it?

Allow me to introduce this amazing tools and resources to you... SkyQuestCom...

SkyQuestCom offers over 200 online video seminars of the world's greatest experts who are ground breaking leaders in their respective fields..

You get the wisdom, experience and expertise of the most brilliant minds from around the world, collectively assembled in 200 online video seminars. Their secret strategies, techniques and methods have helped millions of people worldwide achieve astounding levels of success and financial freedom.

Yes, I said 200 online video seminars of world class speakers just at your door step!

They are world-class speakers such as:

  • Robert Kiyosaki - the best selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
  • Brian Tracy - the world's leading authority in Business.
  • T Harv Eker - the best selling author of The Secret Of Millionaire Mind.
  • Jay Abraham - the world's #1 marketing guru
  • John Gray - best selling relationship author of, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.
  • John Foppe - author and speaker, born without arms, helping millions of people overcome own mental and emotional obstacles and translate visions into outcomes.
  • Antonio Inoki - famous speaker who brought respect to Japanese Professional Wrestling.
  • Joe Girard - Guinness Book of Record's Best Salesman in the World.
  • and many more!

Listen to what Brian Tracy and Stephen Pierce, the world's leading authorities in business have to say...

Also sharing a brief version of my favorite video seminar of John Foppe by SkyQuestCom. You will definitely be amazed by how John Foppe using his toes to open a can of drink and drink it in front of the audiences.


Visit this website for more info:

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