Thursday, September 18, 2008

Inspiring Journey To Financial Freedom

Thanks for visiting this blog, a life transformation blog.

This blog is right for you, if:

You feel that work-life balance is missing in your life.

You are currently struggling at work.

Fed up with your bosses, colleagues, office politic, etc.

Tired of running in the rat race with no direction in life.

Looking for “the secret” to financial independence.

Or, you are confused with what does it means by financially free?

Personally, my definition of financial freedom does not mean debt free but generating adequate passive income to maintain my desired lifestyle.

At time, financial independence is misunderstood as being rich.

While we know that the rich have millions of dollars in their net worth, they might over commit millions of expenditures which could also mean that they are not as financially success as they seem.

Therefore, financial freedom is a concept attuned to our lifestyle and the money that we need to maintain our desired lifestyle. In this perspective, to be financially free is not as hard to achieve as I first imagined.

To me, financial freedom is also time freedom. I am tired of the meaningless life running around the rat maze without time freedom.

A financially independent person will see that money is time. Once we are able to develop a sense of time freedom, then, we are in a positive direction to acquire financial independence.

Financial independence allows us to take time on our desired activities without trading our valuable time for money.

How to achieve financial freedom?

If you want to be financially free, it requires:

1. The right YOU
2. The right Knowledge
3. The right Tools/Vehicles at the right Time

The right YOU relate to the inner you, your mindset, your attitude and habits. According to T. Harv Eker, to obtain our desired outer results, we must first master the inner game of wealth. It is interesting to note that unless a person’s whole mind changed toward the acceptance of wealth and being a creator of wealth internally, we would get nowhere.

Not until we mastered both the “inner game” and the “outer game” of wealth, would our lives be transformed.

The “outer game” here is referring to the right KNOWLEDGE such as business knowledge, sales and marketing skill, information and money management, investment strategies, etc.

The right VEHICLE at the right time can be running a business, for examples, online business that sells digital products, network marketing, coins machines operated business, etc that generating multiple streams of passive incomes. In these instances, a business is not a job. It is a vehicle to wealth.

Then, probably, you will ask:
“How can I have the right Mindset, right Knowledge and running the right Vehicle at the right Time?”


“Any Master Was Once A Disaster!”

Invest in ourselves and learn the right Mindset, acquire the right Knowledge and skills to operate the right Vehicle now!

With the latest technology and internet, our world is flatter now. Technology creates a “level playing field” in which previously marginalized people and countries can play a competitive role in the world economy. It has increased the risk of losing our traditionally “secured” jobs to others if we failed to maintain our competitiveness and equip ourselves with the right education and skills.

On the other hand, with the internet, we can now invest in our education and learn from the best any time any where. Other than the traditional offline resources such as books, attending seminars and courses (some might not be readily accessible to us due to the distance), we can also gain the right knowledge from internet, websites, blogs, ebooks, online seminars, audio, video, etc.

After wasted some time wondering around, I realize that it is either we learn from the best, or die like the rest (in the rat maze)!

Learning from the masters or gurus (who have been there, done that) is the short cut to success and the highest form of leverage. It saves us a fortune in time and money by leveraging on other’s people knowledge and learning.

Trust me. The best investment in our life is still US! (not United States!)

What we invest in self education will stay with us.

What we learn will stay with us.

What we deposit in our “minds” will stay with us.

Our knowledge will stay with us.

We can never know less.

At the same time, the investment in personal development will pay off quickly because we make decision everyday. Equip ourselves with the right mindset, knowledge and skills will help us to make the right decision which will affect our end result.

If you think investment in self education is expensive, try ignorance!