A few tips discover from a network marketing book by Robert Kiyosaki, The Business School For People Who Like Helping People.
Robert Kiyosaki is the author of international bestselling book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. Robert is famous for his sayings that “we go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them…so they can enjoy the luxuries of this great world we live in.”
In this book, The Business School For People Who Like Helping People – The 8 Hidden Values of A Network Marketing Business, Other Than Making Money, Robert emphasize again that the overall population can be divided into four major groups.
The first two groups can further be categorized as “Work” or individuals who income potential is finite. They are also called active income group because they have to exchange time for money. If they stop working, they stop earning money.
Who are the active income earners or “Work” group?
1. Those who are Employed or employees who work for a system (a business, a corporation, a government,…etc) or stuck in the rat race treadmills because they have to exchange their time for paychecks. There is not really a lot of favorable advantage for these groups of people from wealth accumulation and financial freedom perspective.
2. Self-Employed – self employed people (e.g. lawyers, doctors, ...etc.) themselves are a system. If they stop, there is no system left to work on its own. They, like the employed, must work and exchange their time for money, if not, they will not be paid or earn any money. There is also not a lot of favorable setup for the 2nd group self-employed people from wealth accumulation and financial liberty perspective, although they do have some added benefit of generating greater financial growth than employees.
The next two groups are categorized as “Network” where we usually find the rich and wealthy. More importantly, they are the ones who recognized the importance of operating as a team and their income potential is infinite. They are called passive income earners because these groups of people do not have to exchange time for money. In other words, they have both financial and time freedom. According to research, they are also the top 5% population who own 95% of the wealth in this planet earth. This network category is where all of us should eventually move to…
Who are the “Networkers”?
3. Business owners such as Bill Gates, Carlos Slim Helu, are those who own a system but do not work in the system. A business owner set up businesses in such a way that it is a system that can be run by anybody (just like a McDonald's franchise). They then hire workers to plug into the system, work for them, and bring them money.
4. Investors (e.g.Warren Buffett, the richest man in the world) are those who invest in a system (corporation, securities, stocks, foreign currency, commodities,…etc) but do not need to work in the system. An investor has investments in systems that work for them and make them big money.
Do you see the key difference between these two categories, the Work and the Network? The people in the first Work category have to exchange time for money or stuck in the rat race wheel. If they do not give up their time, they will not get the paychecks.
The people in the second Network category can choose to work or not to after the rat race. They may initially spend time setting up the system, but once it is up and running, they no longer have to exchange their time for money. They take back control of their time and this enables them to live life as they wish. The system works for them and brings them money even while they are sleeping!
How great is that ya?
So, the next question is, how can we move quickly from the active to the passive income group?
Well, there are several ways, but the most affordable, yet most overlooked, is network marketing.
A network marketing system that leverage on people might be one of the solution to escape rat race. Once the network is established, it allows us to have a much stable and controllable life and frees up most of our time so that we can do other things that we enjoy or even start another systems or businesses (because we have all the free time to do so)!
T. Harv Eker, multi-millionaire and author of the best-selling, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, says this about network marketing in his book:
"...network marketing can be a dynamite vehicle for wealth. But, and this is a big “but”, don't think for a minute that you are going to get a free ride. Network marketing will only work if you do. It will take training, time and energy to succeed. But if you do, incomes in the range of $20,000 to $50,000 per month - that's right, per month - are not uncommon."
Have a look at what Robert Kiyosaki has to say about network marketing. He says it is a great asset-producing vehicle, one that allows you to create assets that create more assets that create more assets that create more assets....
In other words, we recruit representatives (assets that add money to our pocket), who in turn recruit their own reps (more assets that add money to our pocket), who in turn recruit their own reps (more assets that add money to our pocket)...
So what makes network marketing so good when done in the right industry and with the right company?
Well, other businesses grow linearly while network marketing grows exponentially (rapidly becoming greater in size)!
Do you still need another reason?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Discover The Fortune That Lies Hidden Everywhere
Posted by WL at 10:35 AM
Network Marketing,
Richest Man In The World,
Robert Kiyosaki,
T Harv Eker,
Warren Buffett