Sunday, June 29, 2008
Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job

Posted by WL at 11:13 AM
Personal Development,
Self Improvement
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
What Is Money?
There are many ideas of what people think money is.
Some say it is a form of measurement.
Yes, but a measurement of what? Wealth?
In the olden days, people measured wealth by how many cows, sheep and horses they had. But do people measure wealth today by your cows and horses?
How about slaves? Was there a time where manpower is considered a hot commodity? Are slaves worth anything today?
Are your dollar bills sitting in the bank going to protect you if a recession strikes the country?
No, wealth can not be measured by the dollar bill.
Some say it is a form of power.
Yes, money can give you power, but if you are stuck on a desert island forever with a trillion dollars, will that money mean anything to you?
If someone offered you water and a helicopter to fly out of there, you would trade all your money in a split second, so money is not an accurate measurement of power – it heavily depends on how and wisely you use it.
Many believe it is the root of all evil… and several others take on this belief without much questioning.
Let me tell you that MONEY is NOT the root of all evil.
If you are trading your life away for the dollar, money then has power over your time and life. And unless you have proper financial knowledge, the lack of money can spawn a lot of evil thinking and negative mindset as observed in primarily cheats, thieves, criminals, breakups, freeloaders, cheapskates, and more to name.
But what is money, really?
Money is an idea supported by confidence.
While money has naturally been developed by merchants in the older days to replace the questionable barter system, money today is literally invented by the rich and wealthy.
Entrepreneurs are willing to part with their money to buy other people’s time. Other people’s time i.e. employees and self-employed people becomes their employer’s asset and the employers this priceless resource to go on to create more wealth for themselves.
And here’s the thing: as long as you work for money, you are a slave of money! 80% - 90% of the populations today are slave to money involuntarily.
What we don’t realize is that there is a part of our soul that cannot be bought at whatever price. Would you chop off your little finger if your boss offered you 24 months of your salary immediately?
You and I know we are worth more than that. But when you hear of cases of people selling their body parts for cash in some countries, we can have our eyeballs pop out of our eye sockets.
On the other hand, we occasionally DO sell out a part of ourselves for money like a donkey and a carrot.
Now don’t get me wrong: I’m not banging on working at a job.
But let’s face it: our needs today are growing more than ever before in any period of history. Oil price goes up and everything else follows through, salaries don’t. There are more baby boomers than ever and have very little pension to show for their decades of years of work efforts.
And there is no guessing to how many people really, really hate the unhealthy, hectic lifestyle of getting up early, coping with stress for most parts of the day, join traffic jams, spend more money and time in traveling, enjoy very little rest, and repeat the viscous cycle.
Definitely doesn’t paint a nice financial and lifestyle picture, huh?
The first step to change is to be aware of the problem. Awareness before change is necessary if you are to make any changes in life to start taking control of your financial life and then get out of the rat race. Financial freedom is achievable.
We need the awareness to know what state we are in, so, we know where we are going to achieve financial freedom.
Posted by WL at 9:26 PM
Financial Freedom,
Time and Money
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Time and Money
Today, I read something very interesting about time and money. It is definitely worth while to post it here to share with my dear friends for you to think about the questions in your life:
Time and Money?
Generally, there are 4 categories of people in the world:
(1) No time, and no money.
Most employees or rat racers fall into this category. You are trading your time with money and can’t go vacation whenever you like before somebody approval or fire your boss whenever you like. Most employees can’t even save enough money in their pension to last 3 years! What a sad and terrified news to hear...
(2) No time, lots of money.
Self-employed, professionals and small business owners are in this category.
They are slightly better off than the rat racers because they earn more, but they
have to work even harder than employees to keep up with the diminishing profit margins, competition and servicing their customers.
(3) Got time, no money.
A lot of farmers, villagers, college dropouts or bums have lots of time but no
money. Maybe ignorance is bliss, but without a stable source of income, how
long can you last many days forward?
(4) Got time, and lots of money.
It is the category that big business owners, landlords, investors are in. Imagine,
not having to work for money, but having money to work for you by investing
them and earning profits by using your money to make money.
Questions for you:
1. Which one of the four categories are you currently in?
2. Which one category do you desire to be in tomorrow?
Have you ever thought of working on yourself to be in the 4th category - Got time and lots of money? I am sure that's your dream too.
Probably, it is time for you to start investing in yourself to learn how to let money working hard for you instead of the other way round...
Posted by WL at 8:37 AM
Escape Rat Race,
Financial Freedom,
Time and Money
Monday, June 23, 2008
Those who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet
Posted by WL at 3:02 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Discover The Lie Of Network Marketing - Lie#5
Lie #5 – We have the best products ever!
"We have the best products ever!"
Now it’s not that this statement isn’t necessarily true (although often it isn’t)…it’s that it doesn’t matter. Hang in there for a second, I’ll explain.
Like most of them, this lie takes on many different forms. Here’s just a few of the variations:
The product sells itself!
Nothing else on the market can even compare to this!
We have the most lucrative comp plan in the industry!
Our leadership team is unbeatable!
Each one of these assertions could go off on their own little tangents, but really what they all boil down to is this: Network marketers place all the emphasis on all the wrong things.
It’s not that all these things (product, compensation plan, leadership, etc.) aren’t important.
These are all critical elements.
The problem is that while everyone is focusing on all this stuff, they forget about the most important factor of all.
To illustrate this problem, consider investment properties for a moment. There’s an important lesson to be gleaned from real estate that can help shed some light on the situation.
It’s often said that the three most important factors in choosing investment real estate are
(1) location, (2) location, and (3) location.
If you’re looking at a piece of property from an investment perspective, you shouldn’t be admiring the beautiful perennials out back…or concerning yourself with how many kids the neighbor has…or noticing how well the drapes go with the carpet. If you are, you’re looking at it through the eyes of a home owner, not an investor.
In order for your endeavor to turn out profitably, you have to keep the main thing the main thing.
Well, just like real estate, when it comes to running a highly-profitable business, a similar formula needs to be applied. Namely the most important factor of all is…
(1) Marketing, (2) Marketing, and (3) Marketing!
This may seem obvious to you, but think about how many people go running around, diving headfirst into one company after another, following the latest and greatest product, only to end up scratching their heads when they don’t make any money. I know used to.
Just as focusing on things like the landscape, the flowers and the neighbors is the way a home buyer looks at a property rather than an investor…putting all your focus on things like the product, the compensation plan and the corporate leadership is the way a consumer looks at a company rather than a business owner.
Let me share something else with you, a personal story, to help drive the point home further.
There is a friend of mine who is a physicist and an inventor. He’s designed lasers for the military and has also helped design Harley Davidson’s assembly line.
A lot of his work involves light and its uses. About 6 years ago he invented a lighting design of his own that he had very high hopes for.
The invention was a light that produced no glare whatsoever on any surface it shined on.
Perhaps not the most glamorous invention you’ve ever heard of but it has a ton of great uses in situations like illuminating photos in a gallery, reading things in the dark and providing lighting for detailed mechanical and electronic work.
Well that was 6 years ago and he’s been trying to market it ever since.
He’s literally driven around the country in his car trying to peddle it to whatever businesses will listen to him. To no avail. He has not one contract to this day.
My friend is a brilliant man and an incredible scientist. But heaven knows he’s no salesman.
He’d probably score in the negative on the marketing IQ test. He hasn’t been able to sell his product because he doesn’t know how to market it and he doesn’t have the necessary sales skills.
He doesn’t understand the most important fundamental of all: It’s not about the product.
It’s about the marketing.
Please allow this to sink in:
You Can Have The Most Ground-Breaking Product
In The World, But If You’re Not Using Effective
Marketing, No One Will Know And No One Will Care.
Effective sales & marketing is bar-none the most important function of a business.
Think of it this way: A one-of-a-kind product that’s being shipped from Chicago to New York is only as good as the truck that’s carrying it. If the truck breaks down and never reaches its destination, it doesn’t matter how great the product inside it is.
Well, your sales and marketing system is the truck that carries your product. No matter how good your product is, it doesn’t matter if your marketing can’t deliver it.
Not only that, but sales is the only activity in a business that actually brings in the cash.
Think about it. Every other activity uses up that cash.
The product, the compensation plan, the timing, the people, the leadership, the management…all crucial aspects of a business…but none of them are income producing activities.
The revenue brought in from sales is what makes it all possible. It’s the driving force behind everything.
And that’s why you need to be more concerned about the sales strategies you’re using than anything else.
This can’t be emphasized enough. It could be the most important thing you ever learn in your network marketing career.
And understand this:
You Can Make A Lot Of Money With An Awesome Marketing Plan And A Mediocre Product. You Will Never Even Come Close To Making As Much With An Awesome Product And A Mediocre Marketing Plan.
Don’t believe me?
Ask Robert Kiyosaki:
In his book ‘Cashflow Quadrant’, Robert talks about how he has people approach him all the time about starting a new business or how to raise money for a new project. He can instantly tell whether that person’s focus is on the product or the system of business by the words they say.
Things like:
“This is a much better product than company xyz makes.”
“Nobody else can compete with this product.”
After listening to their pitch, he slowly asks them, “Can you personally cook a better hamburger than McDonald’s?” So far, everyone he’s asked that question has said “yes,”
they can.
He then asks, “So, if you can cook a better hamburger, why does McDonald’s make more money than you?”
Some people see the difference immediately and some just don’t get it. The problem, as Robert explains, is that most people focus on perfecting their skills at making a better hamburger rather than the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger. McDonald’s may not make the best hamburger, but they are the best at selling and delivering a basic, average hamburger.
He then goes on to say how the absolute most important skills a business owner can ever develop are sales and marketing.
Or as Seth Godin, former Vice President of Marketing for Yahoo!, says:
“Marketing is all there is. You don’t win with better shipping or manufacturing or accounts payable. You win with better marketing…”
Why I am I telling you this?
What’s the lesson for network marketers?
Simply this: Your product (or your opportunity), no matter how good, will not sell itself and will not make you rich.
Also, keep this in mind:
You May Believe With All Your Heart That Your Company Is The Best, Hands Down…
But So Does Everyone Else.
Therefore, the person who succeeds is not the one with the best company, but the one who can do the best job communicating the idea of their company.
Now just so that no one gets the wrong impression, I want to stop and emphasize something.
I am not saying that your product doesn’t need to be top-quality. It does. I am a firm believer that the only way to do business is to provide a product or service that far exceeds your customer’s expectations. Both for ethical reasons and for the obvious business reasons of getting repeat business from satisfied customers. Anything that you sell to anyone should always be of enormous value in comparison to what they paid you for it. It should always over-deliver.
An unbeatable combination therefore, is to have a killer marketing strategy and a killer product. You want the best of both worlds.
BUTthe reason I’m stressing marketing so much is because in MLM industry, it is so sorely lacking.
Many times people are given the impression that if they’ve got an awesome product, they’re as good as gold and the rest is all gravy. The product will do all the selling for them and they’ll be swimming in money.
At this point, you may be thinking something along the lines of: “Well, seeing as how I’m in network MARKETING…that means my sales and marketing system should be pretty much taken care of for me. I mean, we use one-to-one sales and word of mouthwhich of course everyone knows is the most powerful form of marketing there is.”
That’s what they’d like you to think. But unfortunately it’s not the case.
You see, one of the most important (and shocking) things I realized when I made my transition from a floundering distributor to a thriving one, is this:
The Marketing In Network Marketing Is Missing!
I know that sounds crazy, but it all makes sense when you understand that…
(a) Network marketers do not truly use word of mouth advertising, as explained in Lie#2
(b) Just because we use one-to-one sales does not in any way mean that it’s an effective form of one-to-one sales. That’s like saying - I play golf, so that makes me a good golfer.
(c) Most of the marketing materials (brochures, websites, etc.) used by MLM companies are awful and have very little value to you (the reason for this is too long to get into here but suffice it to say that most company’s marketing materials are little more than pretty showcases that fail to connect with what the prospect is really looking for); and
(d) The “proven” system of names lists, referrals, warm markets, home parties and hotel meetings is not all it’s cracked up to be.
I’ll explain in the next posts.
Posted by WL at 1:18 PM
Direct Selling,
Network Marketing
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Success is about going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm
~ Winston Churchill
Posted by WL at 12:48 AM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Investment In Current Market
Read an article about investing and trading in stock by Thomas Sutton. Thought it will be great to share it with friends here too...
The market can be especially impulsive during earnings season, and every trader feels the g-forces when stocks choose to mimic roller coasters. Here are a few suggestions that will help you stay on track no matter what route the market decides to take ...
- Check Your Emotions. The market is much more powerful than any individual. Though you have no control over what it does, you do have control over how you respond to its actions. Getting emotional when the market goes down doesn't make it go back up. On the other hand, the stress could cause you to make unwise decisions. Avoid this sort of self-sabotage.
Remember - although your actions won't change the market, they WILL determine how much money you make.
- Be Sure Of Your Time Horizon. Most people buy stocks without first considering the time frame that suits them best. Are your plans short-term or long-term? It makes a big difference. A teenager that opens her first trading account has a much different time horizon than a sixty-five year old that plans to retire next year. Before entering a position, always consider which time frame will best serve your needs.
- Use Risk Management. Losing trades are a fact of life. Applying risk control tactics will quickly eliminate losers and insure they don't hurt you. Your advanced winners can provide the gains to offset any minor losses AND leave you with a good profit. You also have the option to stand aside when nothing seems to work. Just bear in mind that while the sidelines offer a temporary safe refuge, you have to be in the market to make money.
- Choose Your Attitude. Success in the stock market requires more than just a proven trading strategy. Winning is a reflection of your state of mind. Never let the negative attitude of others cause you unnecessary grief. Genuine confidence dissolves fear, and paves the way to a prosperous future.
Trade well,
- Thomas Sutton, Editor
Posted by WL at 10:46 AM
Options Trading
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Rat Racers, What's Your Financial Future?
Naturally, most if not all of us want and crave for something better. It is all part of us if we want a bigger car, a better house, buying good things for the family.
We keep hoping for more, however, we don't understand that in order to get what we don’t have, we must do something that we have never done before.
That simply means:
Doing the same thing over and over again YET expecting different results!
For those who stucked in the rat race, you can’t stay at the same job forever and hope that a miracle will happen and your boss will suddenly give you a raise. You will be lucky that there is no downsizing in your company especially when US is in recession and facing huge challenge from surge in oil price and inflation. Switching to another company will only provide a short term solution to a long term problem. That's not really doing something different because you are still stucked in the rat maze looking for your cheese.
Sure, you can take up a second or even third job, but do you have enough hours and stamina in a day to sustain it?
The bottom-line: Trading time for money isn’t wise financial sense in the long term. You keep on increasing the hours just to win the rat race, but in the end of the day, you are still a rat on the mill! It is just like, even though you win the race, YOU ARE STILL A RAT!
Increasing your wages only puts you in a higher tax bracket. Your salaries increase, so does your expenses on your house and car.
How can you invest in yourself when all the time you spend working for a company, working for the government paying taxes and working for the bank paying off your house and car?
What if you fall sick and can’t work tomorrow?
Will the government take care of your family?
I highly doubt so.
So, it is time to take care of your finances seriously.
Something for you to ponder and plan for your future...
Financial Freedom?
Posted by WL at 10:47 AM
Escape Rat Race,
Financial Freedom,
Financial Planning
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...
- not going all the way, and not starting."
Posted by WL at 11:01 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The true measure of a man...

Posted by WL at 10:56 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
In View Of Inflation, How Can We Hedge And Protect Assets For The Future?
Just want to share a valid question (below) that we should ask ourselves due to the current economy challenges such as collapse of housing market, subprime mortgage, economy slow down/recession, unemployment rate increase, inflation mainly due to oil price surging, etc, that the American are facing now. If US economy is not able to recover quick enough, the prolong recession in addition to inflation will end up heading to stagflation that need much longer time to recover...
The economy in US might spillover to the rest of the world eventually... Just like the old saying 'if the United States sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold'.
The sharing below is a blog post by Dr Brett Steenbarger (http://traderfeed.blogspot.com/) answering a question from his reader:
"It's difficult for me to balance what we know about the major theme of government fiscal irresponsibility with short to medium term trends. As you've mentioned, it's one thing to be a successful trader, producing income and another to be financially successful and responsible over the long term. A trader should be able to produce income but what of retirement and all those baby boomers that are going to pull their stock investments at the same time and start looking for income streams? With inflation including public monetization of bad bank loans (private debt) where can you go to get a hedge and protect assets for the future? "
"That's really the challenge of the investor, as opposed to the short-term trader: to, as best as possible, identify scenarios for the future, position oneself to profit from those (or at least to not lose money), and to be sufficiently hedged in the event one is wrong. Many times this will mean acting on scenarios that differ from what you see in the short-to-medium term, which--as Tim notes--can be difficult to balance.
A poor person is one who worries about how to pay the bills. A middle income person is one who worries about funding retirement. A wealthy person is one who worries about leaving enough for the next generation. More assets do not necessarily bring fewer worries, only different ones. When you don't have money, you are worried about making it; when you have excess capital, you're concerned about keeping it.
"Hope for the best, plan for the worst" is advice that has served me well as a short-term trader. By placing your stop-out level, you plan for the worst outcome and ensure you can survive it. Similarly, through diversification and hedges you can plan for the worst as an investor and balance your various risk exposures.
In the last year I've traveled in the U.S. from Miami, FL to Bellevue, WA and quite a few places in between. The common element has been cranes on the skyline. Building continues apace, even amidst indications of a housing oversupply. New luxury developments line the major Naperville street that passes our neighborhood; the houses are not moving, but more are being built.
In one area I visited recently, an entire condominium complex is going under. The developer could not sell enough units and thus could not raise sufficient association fees to properly maintain the development. This led to higher fees for existing tenants and cutbacks in services, including lighting in hallways. Caught in a death spiral, current residents find they cannot sell their properties for even bargain-basement prices: no one wants the liability of paying fees for a deteriorating facility.
Suppose the housing crises winds up much deeper and broader than expected. How would this affect the economy? How would this affect the income of municipalities and their ability to pay off debts? How would this impact banks holding mortgage debt--and how would that affect monetary policy at a Fed fearful of disintermediation?
It's not difficult to imagine a perfect storm for baby boomer retirees, in which interest rates kept low by an accommodative Fed restrain savings income, even as residential and stock market holdings are falling in value and employment opportunities (along with the economy) are contracting.For those concerned about retirement and estate planning, the issue is not so much the specific odds that this scenario will unfold, but rather how one would stay in the game *if* it unfolds.
For those distant from their financial goals, the temptation is to become aggressive and jump in to buy housing bargains, battered financial stocks, and juicy high-yield debt. I remember, too, when plenty of investors jumped in to buy bruised technology shares after their big drop early in 2000. They seemed like bargains when they were 25% off their highs...but wound up more like 75% off their highs over the next two years.
I believe Tim is asking the right question about finding hedges. The tricky part here is identifying whether the ultimate threat is inflation (and soaring interest rates and commodity prices) or deflation (and collapsing rates and financial asset values). For me personally, it's the prospect of a housing collapse, attendant bank crises, and an irresistible push toward quantitative easing at a Fed dominated by appointees from the next administration that leads me to seek protection from a possible perfect storm. As a result, locking in high quality yields and hedging against stock market and dollar weakness has been a dominant part of my increasingly fluid financial planning."
Thanks for your valuable sharing Dr Brett Steenbarger!
Feel free to dropby Brett's blog: http://traderfeed.blogspot.com/
Posted by WL at 12:34 PM
Financial Planning,
Stock Market
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Discover The Lie Of Network Marketing - Lie#4
Lie #4 – We’ll build your business for you.
We’ve all seen the stuff on the net about fully automated online recruiting systems and how you can make outrageous money while they do all the work for you. Maybe you’ve tried a few. It certainly is an appealing idea. Who wouldn’t want a turnkey system that does everything for them?
If you’re like most people, as I am, you’re probably a bit skeptical when you hear absurd claims like, “No selling or recruiting required - we build your downline for you!”
As you should be. After all, if it was really that easy everyone would be driving a BMW, right?
Really what these claims are the lazy bum’s appeal.
“Just secure your position today and we’ll build and manage your downline for you. There are already hundreds of people waiting to be placed underneath you, all you have to do is secure your spot! With our amazing automated system, even a couch potato like you can get rich!”
Just like every “get rich quick” scheme that’s ever come along, it’s an easy pitch to sell.
People Always Want To Believe That The
Road To Success, Fame And Fortune Is
Quick, Easy, Painless And Risk-Free.
An appeal to laziness is a very strong appeal indeed. The promise of something for nothing is as old as time itself.
But let’s break this down a little further and reiterate a point I made at the beginning of this post.
Network marketing is unique in that it’s a business venture that’s made available and offered to an extremely large amount of people. Never before has owning your own business had such widespread appeal.
With network marketing, the average person now has viable and realistic dreams of “making it big.” 50 years ago, the road to riches was not so accessible. You had to start your own brick and mortar business with employees and all the works.
Here’s where the problem comes into play.
You’re a salesperson. All business owners are.
There’s two things that every network marketer sells. One is the products that the company provides, such as telecommunications services, nutritional products, etc.
But what makes you unique is that what you’re also selling people is a business model.
You’re selling them a vehicle to achieve whatever financial goals they may have.
It’s really the first time that a business model has been sold to the public in this manner.
Thing is, the average person, who’s known the employee model their whole life, doesn’t know a lot about business. They don’t understand basic business principles.
As a “customer,” the average people is not business-savvy and does not know what to look for when selecting a home based business.
So to our instant-gratification-society, the idea of a “hands-off” system that will generate a ridiculous income with no investment of time or effort and just a little bit of money, seems like an actual possibility.
Business 101 is that somewhere along the line, a product or service must be sold to an end consumer. If a company says that “no selling is required on your part,” this is a dead give away they’re playing you for an idiot and you’re about to be taken to the cleaners.
Just ask yourself this one simple and obvious question:
If No Selling Or Anything Else Is Required On
Your Part, Then Why Would They Need You?
The answer is: They wouldn’t.
If you’re not contributing anything to the business besides a measly sign up fee, there would be no reason to pay you obscene amounts of money.
You have to be contributing something in order to justify getting paid. That’s a
fundamental economic truth. There’s no such thing as something for nothing.
There’s no such thing as getting filthy rich with a $99 investment and no time or elbow grease.
Here’s what you are contributing in a real legitimate mlm business to make it work: The indispensable human interaction.
This is why genuine network marketing companies do indeed need you and are willing to pay you big bucks for building a huge organization.
The key thing to understand is that…
Automated Marketing Systems Are Crucial To
A Successful Business – But They Can’t Do Everything For You.
The truth is, an automated system is only half the equation. You, a real live human being, are the other half. No matter what anyone says, network marketing is and always will be built on relationships. As any stable, long-term business is.
Personal interaction and mentoring is the glue that holds an organization together.
When distributors hit those “rough spots” in their business, the coaching and advice that they receive from their sponsor…upline…downline…crossline…whoever…is what keeps their steam going.
See what you’re really getting paid to do is manage an organization. Help your people succeed. Develop leaders. Something that no automated system can do.
No automated system will ever be able to replace human leadership and the ability to manage a group of people. Every person is different and is going to need individual guidance and direction in their path to success. It takes a human being to do this.
And that is why you’ll never get paid for doing nothing.
Plus, all systems – no matter how automated they are – still require a human being to monitor and manage them. There is no perpetual machine that runs completely on its own steam. There still has to be someone who puts gasoline in the tank…starts the engine…operates the gas and the break pedal…and turns the steering wheel.
HOWEVER…despite the trap that one can fall into when relying on systems, they are truly an indispensable piece to a successful network marketing business. It’s just important to know what they can and can’t do for you.
Posted by WL at 9:34 PM
Direct Selling,
Network Marketing
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Those who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life
Posted by WL at 11:18 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Discover the Lie of Network Marketing - Lie#3
Lie #3 – Anyone can do network marketing or start MLM business!
This one is actually sort of a half-truth. A very dangerous half-truth.
It can be very misleading because the simply fact of the matter is…
Not All Network Marketers Are Created Equal.
Everyone comes into this game with different advantages and disadvantages.
Some people have an enormous head start on others in terms of skills, time and money, and just because they were able to build an enormously profitable business in 24 months does not guarantee the next person will be able to.
The problem with statements like “Anyone can do MLM business!” is they imply that everyone - regardless of what their current situation is - can jump right in cold turkey and get the same results the heavy hitters got, just as fast.
Here’s an example that’s not uncommon.
Maggie, who holds a high paying executive position in the corporate world, decides to enter network marketing. Say she was the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for XYZ Widgets Corporation in Randomcity, Texas.
She’s obviously got quite a background in sales or she wouldn’t have that job.
So right off the bat, she’s way ahead of the pack. She’s also already making a high six figure income as it is, which means two things…
…First, she isn’t dealing with the same kind of financial “crunch” and emotional stress that most people experience as they try to pay their monthly residual bills. And…
…Second, she has plenty of cash to fund her new business venture.
Now…if you’re looking at it from a “warm” market approach (a big mistake for anyone to make, which I’ll explain later) she also has truckloads of professional contacts to work with and these people have a lot of respect for her. Safe to say that pretty much everyone Maggie knows is going to take her at least somewhat seriously if she brings a new idea to them.
She also has lots of professional sales contacts like herself, who also have tons of other professional sales contacts.
Let me ask you: Do you think that someone who’s a stay at home mom, secretary, college student, electrician, school teacher or bank teller is going to be able to see the same kind of results that Maggie will in the same period of time?
Probably not.
That’s just one example – more of an old school one – but here’s something else that happens all the time in mlm: When an upline with a big organization moves from one company to another and takes their whole team with them.
People on the outside looking in only see the rapid growth and big bonuses, but what they don’t see is everything that’s gone on behind the scenes. They’re not getting the whole picture.
Yes, that upline brought in a huge team with them and began earning big money pretty much right away…but…it took years and years before they got to the point where they were actually in a position to do that.
They had to develop relationships and build a team that was loyal enough to them that they would even be willing to move with them wherever they went.
The point though is that…
Everyone’s On A Different Timeline And
There Are Multiple Puzzle Pieces That Come Into Play
That Determine How Quickly And How Easily
A Person Will Make Money.
A big one is skill level.
As we discussed in Lie #2, multi level marketing is a sales business and the amount of sales skills that someone brings to the table in the beginning will have a huge impact on their success.
Anyone who wants to can develop sales skills.
Some will take longer than others.
Obviously someone who has 14 years of sales experience has a bit of an edge on
someone with zero sales background and rather poor communication skills in general.
I don’t qualify people on skills because anyone who has a true desire can develop them.
Instead, these are the three areas I do qualify on: Time, money and interest.
I put people through a multi-step prospecting process.
I interview them to make sure they have a serious interest in building a long-term business…rather than just looking to make a quick buck.
I can’t get into all the details of a good marketing system here, but know that the more steps a person takes to get information, the more qualified they are.
I tell prospects that they can build this business with 8-10 hours a week, BUT – if they’re serious – they’ll need at least 15. The 8-10 hours needs to be pure action time (i.e. – income producing activities). After that you still need time for training and other “support” activities.
As far as money goes, every company is different when it comes to the initial start up costs. But aside from that, you do need an ongoing monthly marketing budget. Your upline or corporate team won’t tell you this, but it’s absolutely mandatory for running your business at full potential.
Without a marketing budget, you won’t have the constant flow of fresh, qualified prospects you need.
There are two ways to get these leads for your business.
You can generate them through your own advertising or you can buy them from people who do that for you. You want to strive to generate your own because the advantages of doing so are enormous, but that’s not to say buying leads from other sources doesn’t have its place. Sometimes a combination of both approaches can be highly effective.
But either way…without leads, you don’t have a business.
Yes, you can start a network marketing business with very little time, money and skills.
But what you start off with in the beginning will have a direct impact on how
easy/difficult it will be for you and how long it takes you. That said…
…I Occasionally Turn People Down. You Should Too.
If someone has only 5 hours a week and $50 a month, I’ll tell them it’s honestly not worth it for them until they can free up more time and a little extra cash.
Let me just say that if they like the product and want to get it at wholesale cost, of course you want to sign them up. The majority of your income is generated from people like this. In order for a business to be profitable, it needs to move lots and lots of product.
However – if they are not in it for the product, you’re doing a disservice to both of you by recruiting them with the idea of building the business. It will only lead to headaches and in the end it’ll be more trouble than it’s worth.
It’s in their best interest to wait until they’re in a better position. Starting a business illprepared usually only leads to discouragement, failure and ultimately quitting.
Are there people who have surmounted all obstacles and succeeded despite incredible odds against them?
Which is why I’ll never turn someone down if they’re dead set on it.
The desire to success is key to be successful in network marketing.
Posted by WL at 4:44 PM
Direct Selling,
Network Marketing
Special Offer: Guerrilla Business Intensive at RM3,995 (No gimmick)
I am trying to help a friend and those who attended Millionaire Mind Intensive and for some reason, missed out to register for the coming Guerrilla Business Intensive.
My friend would like to sell her Guerrilla Business Intensive ticket at RM3,995 (Selling Price at RM4,995 during the event).
If you are interested to find out more from my friend, you can drop by my website and leave a message at “Contact Me”:
Details of the event: Guerrilla Business Intensive
Date: June 25th - 29th, 2008
Venue: Singapore Expo
Special Price: RM3,995 (RM1,000 discount)
Posted by WL at 12:06 AM
Millionaire Mind,
T Harv Eker
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Real difficulties can be overcome
Real difficulties can be overcome;
It is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.
~ Theodore N. Vail
More motivational and inspirational stuff can be found here...
Posted by WL at 9:39 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I take control of the situations in life...
Posted by WL at 4:59 PM
Positive Affirmation,
Positive Thinking
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Discover The Lies Of Network Marketing - Lie#2
Lie #2 – This really isn’t sales. We just share products with people.
“It’s not selling. It’s sharing!”
Doesn’t that just give you warm fuzzies inside?
This untruth also has a distant cousin which often takes the form of gibberish like this:
“Your family and friends should buy from you just because you’re you. I mean, why would they give their business to some large corporation when they could give it to a close friend or relative. It’s called keeping your money in close circles. People a hundred years ago used to do it.”
More about this in a minute.
First, let’s talk about the severe ramifications this whole idea of “sharing” has for people who are just getting started.
Here are the two major side effects of this lie:
Side Effect #1. There’s a huge deficiency of proper sales training because if it’s not sales, then there’s no need for sales skills. As a result, people are thrown to the wolves totally unprepared to retail their products and their opportunity.
Side Effect #2. People are set up for failure because they’re given false expectations about how easy this is going to be. Labeling this whole business as “sharing” makes it sound like child’s play. New distributors are given the impression they’re doing one thing, when in fact it’s something else entirely. They think this is going to be a cakewalk and when they find out it’s not they aren’t too likely to stick around.
When people are fed the idea that it’s simply a matter of sharing, they’re in for a very harsh reality check.
They go out and eagerly “share” their incredible product with all their family members, only to be sorely disappointed when they’re shot down. Then they’re baffled as to why it didn’t work for them.
One of the main reasons people tell this lie is because they don’t want to scare new prospects away.
They want people to get this nice, cozy feeling that all we’re doing is telling the rest of the world about our wonderful product and people will be so swept away by our enthusiasm that they’ll automatically buy.
After all, it’s common knowledge that most people hate sales. So uplines and sponsors will beat around the bush and basically sugar-coat this inconvenient and uncomfortable fact:
If You Are In Network Marketing, You Are In Sales.
Understand this: Anytime you’re asking another person to give you money in exchange for something, you’re talking about sales.
Selling is not sharing and sharing is not selling.
We’ve all heard it before. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising there is, right?
What do you do when you see an incredible movie at the theatre? You tell your friends how awesome it was…how gripping the plot was…how engaging the actors were…blah, blah, blah, all that good stuff…and that they absolutely have to go see it. Same with eating out at a great restaurant or picking up your favorite artist’s new CD.
People will be very likely to go spend money on these things after hearing a glowing report from you, their trusted friend.
Here’s where the stick gets thrown into the spokes.
Your personal recommendation for all that stuff is so powerful because you have nothing to gain by “selling” them to your friends. As soon as you throw a financial interest into the mix, everything changes.
Both for you and for them.
For starters, you’re not as comfortable. You don’t feel as natural as you did with something you don’t make money off of. Now you’re forcing it and as a result, it just doesn’t “flow” the same.
It’s also different for them because they know you’re making money from the deal. It’s no longer an unbiased, “third party” opinion. People can smell an “incentivized” referral from a mile away. The whole dynamics of it has changed.
So the fact is, in network marketing you have now crossed over from the world of personal recommendation to the realm of direct sales. Don’t let anyone tell you they’re the same, because they’re not.
Once you get this you’ll understand that you do indeed need to learn effective sales skills.
It isn’t enough to just “recommend” your products to people you know.
Just Because Someone Is Your Friend Does Not Constitute
A Good Enough Reason For Them To Buy From You.
It’s their hard earned money we’re talking about here. And now you need to give them real, solid and compelling reasons to buy your product instead of all the similar ones out there.
There’s a story I have to tell you that illustrates this whole issue very well.
One of the upline mentors used to give people this analogy to explain to them how to retail the products.
He said that if he were to open up a McDonald’s franchise he would darn well expect all his family and friends to eat at his McDonald’s rather than any other fast food joint in town. So therefore, just the same, all your family and friends should buy your products instead of going somewhere else.
Well isn’t that nice.
What if your brother lives 40 minutes away from your McDonald’s and he’s got a Burger King that’s 3 minutes away. Is he still expected to drive all the way over to your business every time he wants a burger and fries? Or what if he doesn’t even like McDonald’s?
What if he doesn’t like fast food at all? What if your brother doesn’t even like you?
See where I’m getting with this? Just because someone is your friend/relative does not mean they will or should spend their money with you.
Yes, your warm market is an excellent way to go for retail customers…but…just as you would need to give a stranger strong enough reasons to buy your product, you need to do the same with your friends and family. You can’t expect them to buy from you.
You know, there are families who will give each other their business no matter what. No matter how inconvenient it may be, regardless of whether they even like the product or not, they support each other in all their endeavors.
If your family is like that, great. But mine sure isn’t. And the reality is, a lot of people’s families aren’t like that.
So what it comes down to is this: Learning effective sales techniques is mandatory for success. You have to understand the sales process and what really motivates people.
For starters, know that…
When It Comes To Selling (And Therefore Network Marketing),
Far Too Much Attention Is Paid To The Product And
Far Too Little Attention Is Paid To The Person Doing The Buying!
Because there is one thing and one thing only that’s on your prospect’s mind…“What’s in it for me?”
And the successful salesperson is not the one who knows their product inside and out and can talk the other person’s ear off…it’s the one who can best make the connection between their prospect’s true desires and how their product/service will fulfill those desires.
Simply getting excited and telling someone about your product is not enough to consistently bring in sales.
Posted by WL at 10:48 AM
Direct Selling,
Network Marketing,
Passive Income
Monday, June 9, 2008
Motivation doesn't last...
People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
~ Zig Ziglar
More motivational and inspirational stuff can be found here...
Posted by WL at 12:18 PM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Discover The Lies Of Network Marketing - Lie#1
If you feel like you’re struggling way too hard to make it in network marketing and nothing is happening, this post specifically for you.
Have you ever thought to yourself: There’s gotta be a better way to do this.
Something’s missing - it can’t be this hard?
I am sure it did.
After almost 2 years of religiously going to meetings, setting up appointments and showing the plan, I came to a point in my business where I hit a massive brick wall.
For all my hard work, I had nothing to show for it but debt, an abundance of products and a dwindling list of friends who actually still talked with me.
Maybe you can relate.
The worst part about it was, I could not – for the life of me – figure out why this wasn’t working! I was doing everything I had been told to do. In fact, I did way more than that. I was the kind of distributor you’d kill for.
But I wasn’t any closer to the dream of financial freedom than I was when I started. So I began looking for real answers to why I was spinning my wheels.
To make a long story short and get right to the point, I finally did figure out what was wrong. And when I did, my entire view of this business changed forever.
I’d like to share with you what I discovered:
Almost Everything You’ve Ever Been Taught About Building A Network Marketing Business Is Pure BS!
And here’s why: In this industry we have a genuine case of the blind leading the blind.
Network marketing is very unique in that it’s the only business opportunity that’s ever been marketed to the general public on such a massive scale.
Everyday, there are people who were told that they can jump right into this, with no prior experience what-so-ever and make a killing within 6 months!
For example, on the website of one well known nutritional company, would-be
distributors are told that “You don’t have to be a pro to succeed!”
This self-destructive message is broadcasted to thousands of people over and over again as they join this industry.
As a result, 95% of people who get involved in network marketing have absolutely no foundation in effective sales techniques or good business practices.
This has severe side effects.
There’s a horrible mess of hype, hot air, misconceptions, falsehoods, delusions,
distortions, myths and downright lies that get passed along from one sponsor to the next.
This is what happens when you take a bunch of people who don’t have a clue about sales and marketing and have them tell a bunch of other people who don’t have a clue about sales or marketing, to go make a bunch of money doing it.
The few techniques that actually do have some grounding in basic sales philosophy are all outdated and completely ineffective. They might work okay for you – if the year was 1984 – but in today’s modern society, these kind of ignorant tactics will get you slaughtered.
You see, not only do the common methods taught in mlm not work, they’re extremely destructive as well. That’s why it’s so common to feel like your working yourself into the ground and not getting anything out of it.
Well, I had put up with this for far too long. I started doing the opposite of what my upline had taught me to do and guess what? I didn’t just start to experience success – I was flooded with it.
I went from desperately coercing one person every 5 months into my business…to having more eager prospects than I could handle.
By ignoring conventional mlm “wisdom,” I learned how to have prospects line up to join my company and sponsoring 10 people a month didn’t just become normal – it became routine.
And if you’re willing to be open-minded and set aside any predisposed beliefs you currently have…for just a moment…you’ll discover how you can easily do this too.
Network marketing doesn’t have to be so hard.
Using the wrong techniques – like trying to force a square peg into a round hole – makes it hard.
So my purpose in sharing this post is to help you “deprogram” some of the nonsense andmisconceptions that pollute this industry. This is the crucial first step towards becoming a highly-effective, well-paid, professional network marketer.
Then, once you have a clean slate to start with, you can begin learning how to really make this business work.
Lie #1 - Everyone is your prospect!
As I was compiling this list, I was trying to think of which lie was the worst.
Which one was the absolute most detrimental to a business? Which one topped ‘em all as the “whopper of all whoppers?”
I tried to narrow it down, but I just couldn’t bring myself to select a definite winner.
They’re all so bad. I’ll tell you though, this one was a serious contender for the title:
“Everyone is your prospect!”
A similar version of this lie is:
“Everyone wants this, they just don’t know it yet!”
An article found in a popular network marketing publication declares that,
“You just have to believe that everyone is you prospect!”
This insane belief has led to such ridiculous practices as the “3 foot rule” and the “when in doubt, blurt it out” technique.
Because of this lie, people have the mistaken idea that talking to anyone and everyone they come within arms length of is an effective recruiting technique.
Prospecting TGIFriday waitresses…employees at Google…gas station
clerks…total strangers at malls…the postman…kiosk stands…the girl at pubs…leaving flyers on car windshields…
…These kind of antics have damaged this industry’s reputation almost beyond repair.
They’ve absolutely destroyed any image of professionalism and made it harder for everyone to sponsor people.
These “street hustler” methods of recruiting have single-handedly placed network marketing on the same level as some low-life schmuck peddling fake Rolexes in the minds of most people.
It’s absolute lunacy. Don’t buy into this fallacy. This isn’t evangelism for cryin’ out loud!
Not everyone is your prospect.
One of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned in marketing is this:
People Who Try To Be Everything To Everybody,
Wind Up Meaning Nothing Special To Anyone.
See, not everyone is looking to run their own business. Contrary to what we’ve been told, there are actually a substantial amount of people who are 100% content with being an employee and have no desire whatsoever to change that.
Some people love their job and wouldn’t give it up for a million bucks. Some people despise network marketing and would rather be buried alive than be associated with it.
Some people despise business in general. Some people think making lots of money is a bad thing. Some people don’t have the funds to properly run a business. Some people are absolutely scared to death of anything that involves risk. Some people have plenty of money and aren’t looking for anything else. Some people just plain old don’t care. Some people don’t have time. Some people just aren’t cut out to be entrepreneurs and are better off working at McDonald’s. Some people are perfectly content with where they are at in life and have no desire to change. That’s fine.
Whatever the case, you do not need to convince anyone to get into this business. It’s a waste of your time and energy to try and do so.
Please listen very carefully:
No One Is Worth Your Time Until They’ve Shown
An Interest In What You’re Offering And Have
Asked You For More Information.
I don’t care if someone fits the mold of what would normally be considered “the perfect mlm prospect”: mid ‘40s…absolutely despises their high-paying corporate j-o-b…wants out of their 9-5…loads of connections…great people skills…sure, they might be a potential prospect, but they’re not a prospect worth pursuing until they’re actively seeking a solution to their problem.
It doesn’t matter how qualified you think a person is or how good you think they’d be at this business.
It’s not even enough if a person does want to start their own business. Until they go out of their way to get more information on how to do it, they’re just another bystander. Not a player in the game. They’re not worth going after.
Sure, someone could have great people skills (a waiter for example) but that doesn’t mean they’re a good prospect.
They could be so violently opposed to mlm, business opportunities or any other way of making money besides being an employee that it would take a massive barrage of information to ever sway their opinion.
If someone has a strong belief about something it can take years to reverse that.
It’s not a good use of your time to try and convince someone who disagrees with your way of thinking.
As a business owner, your job is not to make a convert out of anyone. Your job is to get the maximum returns possible for your time and efforts. And that means talking with people who are, for the most part, already on the same page as you.
Well…why not at least prospect them and find out?
For one, as stated before, it gives this industry a tacky, “second-rate” image.
And secondly, it’s a horrible first impression for your prospect. Because you’ve just shown them exactly how you do business – soliciting total strangers.
And no one wants to be a part of that.
You see, mlm uplines love to tote the fact that these marketing tactics (the 3 foot rule, etc.) don’t require any money and therefore are perfect for the average person who doesn’t have a whole lot of extra cash.
Here’s what they fail to tell you: Second rate advertising methods lead to second rate results.
When you market this way, it shows your prospect that you’re the type of business person who isn’t professional (or successful) enough to invest in some respectable marketing methods. It immediately projects a “cheap,” rinky-dink image.
Who wants to work with a person who advertises their business like that?
Think about it.
Do dentists or doctors go around trying to prospect every single person they cross paths with?
Hey there, got any built up plaque you want me to take a look at?
Even if you do happen to hit on someone who has a “business mindset,” they’re not likely to take you seriously.
…Who Finds Who First Is Very Important.
When you go head hunting and chase your prospect, the whole operation is doomed to failure because you’re viewed as a nuisance! When they find you and seek you out, you’re viewed as an expert.
Positioning makes all the difference in the world.
I remember this one appointment I had with my son’s friend’s mom. She was adamantly opposed to multi level marketing. The whole appointment with her was about as pleasant as vomitting blood. I don’t know why I even bothered doing it. (Oh wait – I do know why! Because everyone’s a prospect!).
Anyways. Towards the end of our lovely time together, I had given up trying to give a good presentation and I said, “So what’s your single biggest objection to network marketing?”
She immediately replied, “Taking advantage of your friends and family.”
I don’t know why but it was at that point during that appointment that I realized how much I truly hated sitting down at someone’s kitchen table and going through my little flip chart. And I realized that I completely agreed with her.
I used to get so excited about it. For a very long time I believed that network marketing was the cure to financial cancer and it was my job to spread the good news throughout the land. Maybe you’ve thought that yourself. Maybe you still do.
But what finally hit me – after I began feverishly studying anything about marketing I could get my hands on – was this: Why make it harder on yourself than you have to?
Why expend valuable time and energy trying to force-feed your opportunity down the throat of someone who’s entirely indifferent?
Why do that when there are millions of people who actually do want to start their own business? The ones who warrant your attention are the ones who take the initiative and go out of there way to find out how to do it. These people are prospects.
Another problem with this mentality that really started to wear on me is, if everyone’s a prospect that means you have to constantly be “on the prowl.”
Anytime you first meet somebody, you’re always looking for that “in.” The “in” that will allow you to bring up your opportunity. You know what I’m talking about don’t you?
Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to worry about that? To hold a conversation without thinking of ways to recruit them in the back of your mind? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to separate your personal life from your business life?
If that idea sounds appealing to you, keep reading and follow the next post. I’ll share more about how to do this by having people come to you instead.
Posted by WL at 1:01 AM
Direct Selling,
Network Marketing
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I keep learning to stay ahead and be relevant
I keep learning to stay ahead and be relevant.
Posted by WL at 4:04 PM
Positive Affirmation,
Positive Thinking
Friday, June 6, 2008
Never Complain II
We just mention about never complain yesterday...
Here you go... a protest against oil price increase happened at Ipoh yesterday.
Some of the banners are amusing...
"When Pak Lah was sleeping, we only need to pay RM1.92.
When he woke up, we need to pay RM2.70!"
"BN leaders prosper, People more suffer."
Posted by WL at 1:10 PM
Never Complain,
Oil Price Surge
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Want To Earn Extra Income Online? Watch this video...
If you are wondering how to increase your monthly online income to keep up with the inflation rate esp when crude oil/petrol price keep increasing lately, then, this Money List Profits program is right for you.
So, you may want to read it very carefully...
Currently more and more internet marketers are finding it much more profitable to pay end-users like you and me directly to see their ads instead of paying "middle-men" like Google Adwords.
That's exactly how you can easily start building new streams of revenue online -- simply by reading ads in your email by joining multiple free-to-join "Paid-To-Read-Email" (PTR) Programs.
Of course, you don't have to purchase anything, you get paid for just looking at the ads. (The marketers do get good results and that's they keep spending their ad-money at the popular PTR programs.)
For example, my good friend Tushar Sheth made $1,604.98 without spending a dime from just 3 such programs.
And now he has finally revealed his strategies how he does it through his popular "MoneyListProfits.com (MLP) System".
Here's what I recommend that you do immediately if you really want to take some definitive action to shake things up and cause some major positive changes in your monthly online revenues:
Step 1: Watch The Video
Watch Tushar's "$1,604.98 Video" where he logs into his own personal accounts and shows you how much extra money can be made from PTR programs without spending a dime:
Click here to watch the video
(His private video has become extremely popular and his server is getting hammered with numerous requests to watch it at the same time, so if you can't see the video immediately then try again later.)
Step 2: Join MLP
After watching the video, immediately signup and become an MLP Member from his website. You will then be able to discover the names of those programs that are making payments to hundreds of his members regularly every month.
You can also use those programs to promote your own website and/or affiliate products to thousands of other PTR users (it is still quite an unknown marketing strategy, but the news are spreading fast -- so you better hurry!)
Oh, and you will also discover his secret PTR strategies and get his power tools that he shares with MLP Members only -- that will help you increase your monthly PTR earnings at a rapid pace.
You can always choose to use your earnings to cash-out or to promote your own or affiliate websites to other PTR users for even higher profits.
Step 3: Become Tushar's Exclusive Partner
As his exclusive partner, Tushar will pay you $25.00 per member that you refer to MLP.
And he will also share some exclusive power-tracking tools and step-by-step bootcamp training to help you get at least 5 referrals in just 10 days even if you are a "newbie" in affiliate marketing.
(I bet you haven't ever seen the power tools that he will give you anywhere on the net before!)
Expect to make more from his private state-of-the-art partnership program than you have ever made from any other normal affiliate program!
Entry into his partnership program is by invitation only, but you can get in if you become an MLP Member today. Instructions on how to create your MLP Affiliate Partner account will be sent to you immediately on becoming an MLP Member.
Posted by WL at 5:08 PM
Internet Marketing,
Making Money Online
Never Complain...
Today, I read a blog posting by a friend about law of attraction. This mind me of T Harv Eker's golden rules for wealth and life is "never complain" in his book, Secret Of The Millionaire Mind. What we focus on always expands, therefore if we complain about problems, they will only grow. This is applicable to negativity especially when all the media like newspapers are full of negative news everyday for instances earthquake, accidents, robberies....etc.
Complaint is just like a giant "crap magnet". The more we complain, the more crap will be attracted to our life.
What has this got to do with wealth then?
Well, Poor and average people have a habit of blame, complaint and justification. For example, the Malaysian government just announced an increase of petrol price from RM1.92 to RM2.70 per litre effective today. I am sure this sudden increase of petrol price has added more burden to the poor and average and resulting a lot of complaints on the streets. The poor and average people's financial or life situation is always the fault of the economy, their upbringing, their parents, their spouse, their teachers, their bosses...etc.
Personally, instead of complaining about the overnight increase of petrol by 41%, I would rather gather and focus my energy on how to attract more money to counter the increase of oil price. Like attract like. The more we complain, the poorer we will be.
On the other hand, the rich always believe that their life is to be shaped according to their will. They never consider themselves victims (of course, this increase in price does not even bother or affect them). If something needs to change, they take it upon themselves to act.
We can keep a set of behaviours that keep us in mediocrity e.g. complain. However, just remember that "every time we blame, justify or complain, we are slitting our financial throat".
Adopt the rich way of experiencing the world, which is a joyful focus on opportunities and action...Not Complaints.
Posted by WL at 2:46 PM
Law Of Attraction,
Millionaire Mind,
Never Complain,
T Harv Eker
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The World Is Flat
In Your Job,
But In A World Of Walls,
Mediocrity Could Still Earn You
A Decent Wage...
In A Flatter World Of Walls,
You Really Do Not Want To Be Mediocre,
Or Lack Any Passion For What You Do."
~ Thomas L. Friedman
Note: A Summary of The World Is Flat Is Available at http://www.inspiringjourneytofinancialfreedom.com/WorldIsFlat.html
Posted by WL at 11:41 PM
The World Is Flat
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Starting Point Of All Achievement Is Desire
"The Starting Point Of All Achievement Is Desire.
Weak Desires Bring Weak Result,
Just As Small Amount Of Fire,
Make A Small Amount of Heat.
When Your Desires Are Strong Enough,
You Appear To Possess SuperHuman Powers To Achieve."
~ Napoleon Hill
Note: A free copy of Think And Grow Rich ebook is available here
Posted by WL at 10:07 AM
Law Of Attraction,
Napoleon Hill
Monday, June 2, 2008
Engage Your Heart And Your Mind
Great Sharing By Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard...
"At any one moment you often can't see where your path is heading to...
Logic and intellect alone won't lead you to make the right choices. In fact, they won't take you down the right path. You have to master not only the art of listening to your head but you must also master listening to your heart. You have all the tools you need up in your head and in your heart.
All you have to do is engage your heart and your mind in every decision you make - engage your whole self and the journey will reveal itself with the passage of time.
The lesson I learned early in life was to love what you do - or don't do it. Don't make a choice of any kind, whether in career or in life, just because it pleases others or because it ranks high on someone else's scale of achievement, or even because it seems that logical thing to do.
Make the choice to do something because it engages your heart and your mind - all of you.
Remember that the freedom to choose is yours. To make the most of that freedom, use your mind and your heart."

Posted by WL at 5:49 PM
Carly Fiorina,
Engage Your Mind and Heard,
Freedom To Choose